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I want to speak to someone! Who’s the boss?

We’re always very happy to speak to you by phone, as well as by email.

Calls to the Bodyscan number (020 3490 4171) are answered by a UK-based call-handling service and they can handle most queries.

If they can’t give you the help yoiu need, or you tell them you’d like to speak to someone from Bodyscan, they will get Jamie O’Conor (our customer service man, who is employed directly by Bodyscan) to give you a call.

If you want to speak to the boss, Bodyscan’s director is Philip Chant, and he is always happy to talk to you at length, answer your questions and address any concerns.

The fastest way to speak to Philip or JamieĀ is to email [email protected]. These emails are opened by Jamie and he will alert Philip if required.